What are the different postures that the Buddha Marble Statue?

If you're looking for Buddha statues in the shop There are three different postures of Buddha Marble Statue. Standing, sitting, or lying down depends on the meaning behind the statue. They can be seen in gardens, homes, and temples all over the world.

Standing Buddha

Standing Buddha statues depict Buddha standing or walking. Standing Buddhas usually signify peace and tranquility and offer security. The walking Buddha originates from The Sukhothai time period in Thai history. It depicts Buddha preaching his message on Dharma. It is a symbol of inner elegance and beauty.

Sitting Buddha

The sitting Buddha could be among the most famous images of the philosophers of old. The majority of the time, he's seated in an upright (Vajrasana) (or half) lotus (Virasana) yoga position with a contemplative, calm expression on his face. There are statues that depict them sitting in a chair, with one hand facing upwards on his lap, and the other one displaying the hand gesture called vitarka. Sitting, Buddha is a symbol of inner peace and meditation.

Where can you buy Buddha Marble Statue in India?

The Ganesh Moorti Art store offers everything you need for your worship, decoration, and gifting needs. We are the best products and services by exploring our entire selection or contacting us directly.

Ganesh Moorti Art works as an expert on antique statues. He has dealt with Buddha statues and idols and sculptures for a long time. The company we work for, Ganesh Moorti Art, provides a broad selection of White Marble Buddha Statue for Home available in shops, which includes all his depictions. The collection we offer is comprised of Buddha heads, miniature Buddhas, as well as large Buddha statues of various sizes suitable for your home, office temples, gifting, and home.


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